For organisational purposes, the World Subud Association is divided into nine zones.
To be able to coordinate the work of the WSA, each zone has a coordinator who represents his country on the World Subud Council between world congresses.
Zone Representatives also chair councils for their zone, are directors of the WSA, and form the voting body of the WSC, along with the WSA Chairperson.
The variety of peoples, cultures, political systems, histories, and variance in economies makes for a rich and fascinating mix of Subud members, but also presents challenges.
Zone 4 Meetings
Delegates from each member country of Zone 4 meet once a year to discuss the development and situation of the groups and the World Subud Association (WSA).
Subud World Congress
These international meetings of member countries usually happen every four years and last approximately two weeks. Members from around the world gather to enjoy being together and doing
latihan, to join in workshops and discussion groups and to take pleasure in concerts, exhibitions and a variety of events. It is a multi-dimensional global festival and spiritual event as
well as a youth gathering and jamboree of workshops and meetings. World Congresses draw between 1500 – 3000 members and are an extraordinary opportunity for individual Subud members.
During this colorful event, the World Subud Association holds its business meeting. Member countries may have up to four delegates who, as a group, hold one vote on proposals
presented to Congress. The Congress is the supreme authority of the WSA, which is the umbrella organization for the international Subud association. This is the time that member countries
decide on goals, priorities and policies of the WSA and review past activities. New officers are elected such as the WSA and WSA executive and affiliate chairpersons.
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